

To entertain, inspire, and educate.

In person. Virtual. Hybrid.

Go beyond the grids of Instagram. Tiffany has been a full-time Autism advocate for well over a decade. Most of this time has been spent boots to the ground and working behind the scenes to make things happen for herself, her children, and for her community. She is a storyteller first and believes that stories are our greatest educator. As an Autistic Speaker, Tiffany uses her words to challenge perceptions of Blackness and disability as well as inspire others to want to act. She can create a presentation that is unique to your audience while maintaining the integrity of her messaging and what she is known for.

Let’s have a conversation to see if she is the right fit to speak at your event. Pricing and other details can be discussed at this time or during follow up sessions.


Organizations. Institutions. Corporate.

As an Autistic Consultant as well as the Autism Mom to two children diagnosed with Autism, Tiffany offers consulting to organizations, non-profits, companies, schools, and other institutions. Her advisory work includes:

  • Anti-racism education

  • Disability-inclusive policies and practices

  • Incorporating disability-inclusive attributes into your service and/or product

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion approaches and guidance

Let’s have a conversation to see if your organization will partner well with Tiffany in a larger collaboration. Pricing and other details can be discussed at this time or during follow up sessions.


Let Tiffany introduce your brand’s products or services to her unique and diverse audience.

Tiffany is passionate about working for brands and cultivating partnerships that align with her values and principles. As an Autistic Mom of two, she is always looking for products and brands that are of immense value to not only her family but her community as well. She has worked with AirBnB, Eyemart Express, Tiimo, Gravity Blankets, Marker Learning, GoHenry, and others. To discuss ways your brand and Tiffany can work together, let’s have a conversation.

Charitable Giving.

Providing free services to Tiffany’s community.

Being an Autistic advocate, Tiffany’s work centers on community, specifically the Autism Community, and giving back to one another in whatever way we can. She is focusing her efforts into Futures Planning. As she is a person with a lifelong disability raising children with lifelong disabilities as well, it is important to plan for the future.

She is looking for those who are willing to volunteer their time and expertise to help her community secure financial freedom, housing security, life skills, employment, and more. Those whose skillset would be beneficial include, but are not limited to:

  • estate planners

  • financial planners

  • real estate agents and loan officers

  • chefs and/or home cooks

  • gardeners

  • business owners, especially those who have launched businesses that operate primarily online

  • social worker

  • those well-versed in healthcare and health insurance (to include federal programs)

  • and more.

She is looking for any and all persons that can help secure a better future for Tiffany’s community. They are often faced with housing insecurity, financial instability, lack of healthcare, etc. It is worth noting that your skills and expertise won’t result in pay. These are volunteer opportunities. And your offerings could be in the form of virtual presentations (live and/or recorded), ebooks, downloadable pdfs, etc.

Let’s have a conversation to see how we can use your offerings to help the community.